100+ Workplace Wellness Industry Statistics 2021 [Research Review]
The COVID-19 pandemic may have driven most of us to work from home, but that won’t stop the workplace wellness market from growing, as part of the larger health and wellness industry.
Based on over 25 reports and market studies, we have highlighted some of the latest facts and statistics about the changing landscape of the workplace wellness market.
Workplace wellness market size
- By the end of 2021, the global workplace wellness industry is expected to reach $61.2 billion in revenue forecast, having grown 27.5% from $48 billion in 2017
- During the forecast period (2021 to 2028), the global workplace wellness market is projected to grow at a rate of 7% and will be worth $93.4 billion by 2028
- In 2020,
- The global corporate wellness market size reached $52.8 billion in value
- Large-scale organisations accounted for 52.8% of the corporate wellness market revenue
- Onsite corporate wellness programmes had the largest revenue share at 57%
- The health risk assessment segment accounted for 21.1% of the corporate wellness market
- The cost of lost productivity because of absenteeism could cost $150 billion in the next few years
Workplace wellness market report by region
- In 2026, the corporate wellness market in China is projected to grow at a CAGR of 8.6%, reaching a market value of $7.3 billion
- In 2021, the workplace wellness market in the United States is projected to reach a value of $20.4 billion
- The Affordable Care Act aims in increasing employee wellness programme participation by increasing premium contribution to 30% for those who did not engage or complete the said programmes
- Despite the U.S. investing more in corporate wellness programmes, in 2017, the challenge was that
- 63% of employees surveyed were not willing to spend an hour or more to improve their health and wellbeing
- 64% did not see the value in these corporate wellness programmes
- During the forecast period (2021 to 2026) the following countries/regions are expected to experience a CAGR of:
- 6.4% for Japan
- 7% for Canada
- 6.8% for both Europe and Germany
- In 2020:
- North America accounted for more than 42% of the global workplace wellness industry revenue
- 80% of employers in North America offer corporate wellness services
- 50% of employers from the U.S. have wellness programmes available for their employees
- In the U.K., it offers a tax benefit of $663.3 per year under its Fit for Work service
- During the study period, from 2014 to 2017, the number of missed workdays increased from 23 to 30
- Though 62% of U.K. companies offered wellness programmes, only 28% of employees took advantage of them
Benefits of workplace wellness programmes
- Reduction of absenteeism which may be due to:
- moderate or severe depression
- money worries
- being bullied at work
- chronic disease diagnosis
- insufficient physical activity
- musculoskeletal pain
- Reduce healthcare spending of companies/employers
- Improve employee productivity
- Reduce employee stress
- Boost workplace morale
- Improve workplace relationships
Workplace wellness survey results
A Wellable report from 2020 revealed that employers are investing in the following areas to improve employee well-being:
- Flexible work schedules - 84%
- Remote work - 67%
- Financial wellness - 64%
- Telemedicine - 62%
- Paid time off - 53%
From 2004 to 2019, a number of workplace surveys have been published. According to the surveys:
- Workplace health promotion programmes are available for:
- Only 17% of respondents from companies with 50 or fewer employees said that they had a wellness programme
- For Midsized companies with 50 to 499 workers, 33% said that they had wellness programmes in place
- 50% of respondents coming from companies with over 500 employees, said they had access to wellness programmes
- 70% of employees from large companies with over 1,000 workers said that their company had wellness programmes in place
- In 69% of workplaces, their health and wellness programmes have been in operation for 3 years or longer
- From 2004, companies with comprehensive workplace health promotion programmes increased from 7 to 17%
- 31% of workers with access to health programmes invest 1 hour daily to improve their health
- That number falls to 26% in workers without access to health programmes
- 53% of employees who have access to wellness programmes have improved their health and helped them:
- Focus on their health - 88%
- Lose weight - 67%
- Increase productivity - 62%
- Reduce sick days - 56%
- Detect diseases - 30%
Wellness programmes offered at work include:
- Stress reduction - 87%
- Physical fitness 85%
- Nutrition 75%
- Weight management 67%
- Mental health 65%
- Smoking cessation 55%
- Financial wellness 50%
- Management of excessive alcohol and drug use - 14%
There is a growing demand for:
- Mental well-being programme - 53%
- Financial wellness programme - 51%
- Behavioural health programme - 28%
For employees with no access to wellness programmes:
- 85% are Baby Boomers who are eager to have access to them
- 73% want access to them
- 42% are very interested in the wellness programmes
According to RAND Corporation, 70% of organisations provided health screening services in 2013
- 44% of employees are supportive of the management and organisation if they care about employee well-being
- 73% of workers with supportive senior managers developed a healthy lifestyle
- Regardless of how big the company is, more than 70% of employees are satisfied with the health benefits they received
- 11% of employees said that they are more engaged with the company if it offers health and wellbeing benefits
- Companies that offer wellness programmes have 2% fewer hostile employees
Workplace wellness market statistics
The ROI of workplace wellness
- According to a 2013 Harvard Business report, each dollar spent on wellness programmes can reduce the cost of:
- absenteeism by $2.7
- medical expenses by $3.27
- Work-related stress, injury, and illnesses cost 10 to 15% of the global economy
- The health risk assessment segment accounted for 21.1% of the corporate wellness spending
- Organisations that care about the health and well-being of their employees:
- produce workers that are motivated to do their jobs - 91%
- have workers that are satisfied with their jobs - 91%
- result in employees having a positive work relationship with their supervisors - 91%
- are 89% likely to be recommended to potential hires
Workplace wellness for different generations
- 48% of millennials are more likely to participate in social challenges
- Regardless of age, women are 38% more likely to participate in wellness programmes than men
- Challenges that require fundamental changes to routines are 66% less likely to interest Baby Boomers
- Meanwhile, Gen Xers are more likely to engage in weight control programmes
Workplace wellness understanding
- Only 10% of the world's population, mostly found in Europe and North America, have access to workplace wellness programmes and services
- A survey revealed that 1 in 3 employees are stressed with work
- Almost 12% of employees do not understand the impact of incentives offered by their companies
- Over 5% of employees are not sure if their company offers any corporate wellness programmes
- 20% of employees are less likely to be engaged if they are unsure of the benefits offered
Employer benefits from wellness programmes
- Increased financial sustainability and growth are reported by 63% of employers
- 40% of companies with highly effective health and wellness plans report improved financial performance
- Health care costs of 60% of companies have been reduced
- A return on investment (ROI) of $1.50 to $3 per dollar spent over 2 to 9 years are experienced by companies with well-designed wellness programmes
- Lower employee absenteeism saves a company $5.82 for every dollar spent on wellness programmes
- Company culture is positively influenced by workplace wellness programmes in place, as stated by 77% of employees
- It can reduce company costs, said 59% of companies
- Customer loyalty is 233% higher for those that have employee engagement programmes
- 68% are prioritising the health and well-being of their employees
- 66% prefer using mobile-first or native mobile apps for the wellness needs of their employees
Financial wellness
- Almost 40% of employees aged 25 or younger prefer financial planning services over other wellness programmes
- Over 70% of Gen Xers, those aged 46 to 55, prefer 401K matching as a financial benefit
- Regardless of position, 60% of employees prefer performance-based pay
- 72% of women prefer standard-of-living raises
What employees want vs. what employers offer
Rest and relaxation
- 76.7% of employees want time off to recharge, only 45.3% of employers offer it
- 71.%1 want stress relief breaks (naps, massage, breaks, etc.), but only 28.4% of employers offer it
- 30.5% want to use meditation and mindfulness apps, but only 8.4% of employers offer them
- 24.6% want support groups in the workplace, but only 15.4% of workplaces have them
- Only 21.1% of employees like counselling onsite or via telephonic, but 34.5% of employers offer them
Nutrition and diet
- 73.4% of employees want healthy food choices, but only 47.3% of companies have them
- 47.3% would like information on making healthy food, and almost the same number of employers, 46.7%, offer them
- 44.6% want an onsite nutritionist, but only 12.3% of facilities have them
Physical fitness
- 50.5% want fitness centres at their workplace, but only 35.1% have them
- 49.8% want enough time for health activities at work, but only 23.2% of offices have them
- 45.4% want corporate discounts at health clubs, and 43.6% offer them
- 32.1% want an onsite fitness trainer, but only 12.7% of companies have them
- 23.9% want fitness equipment at the office and 25.5% have them
- 19.3% would like to use fitness tracker apps and devices and 23.7% of companies offer them
- Only 18.6% like participating in company-wide exercise challenges, but 37.7% of companies love hosting them
Insurance coverage
- 77.1% of employees want health insurance and 93% of employers offer them
- 67.7% are interested in dental insurance and 89.9% of businesses have them
- 53.4% want vision insurance and 85% of workplaces offer them
- 27.9% want onsite access to medical services (primary care, physicians, nurses, etc.) but only 21.7% offer them
- Only 27.3% of employees are interested in wellbeing programmes but 54.9% of companies offer them
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Use of content
- If you wish to learn more about the workplace wellness industry, you can send your questions to Nick Rizzo at nick@runrepeat.com. He’s also available for interviews.
- Feel free to use data found in this article on any online publication. We only request that you link back to this original source.
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