New Balance men's and women's size chart

We put together the data from 40+ brand shoe size charts to find out how New Balance sizes compare to other brands. Verdict: New Balance is consistent with most popular athletic brands.

But before you proceed to order your regular shoe size, we highly recommend measuring your foot length first. If it's been a while (or forever) since you last did it, you might be surprised! Even in adulthood, your feet continue to grow.

Once done, use the chart below to help you find the right New Balance size for you.

New Balance men's and women's size chart

New Balance shoe sizing vs Nike and other brands

New Balance’s sizing scheme is identical to that of Adidas, Brooks, and Hoka, and has minor half-a-size differences with ASICS and Nike in some sizes.

Shoe length (MM) New Balance Nike Adidas Hoka ASICS Brooks
Men's US sizes
270 9 9 9 9 9 9
280 10 10 10 10 10 10
290 11 11 11 11 11.5 11
Women's US sizes
230 6 6.5 6 6 6 6
240 7 7.5 7 7 7 7
250 8 8.5 8 8 8 8

How New Balance shoes fit

There are typically no surprises when it comes to fitting New Balance shoes. Whether you’re after the iconic 574 silhouettes, the nostalgic dad trainers, or the cushy Fresh Foam running shoes, expect all of them to feel true to New Balance size and at home on your feet straight from the box.

Individual models can deviate from this feel-good formula, so we recommend checking our in-depth lab reviews where we provide measurements for shoe length and toebox dimensions for each NB shoe we test!

New Balance fits all widths and shapes!

It’s been one of the brand’s core principles from the early years of the company to accommodate feet of all shapes and sizes.

A vast majority of the currently available NB shoes can be purchased in different width options from Extra-Narrow to XX-Wide.

New Balance men’s and women’s shoe widths

NB uses the industry's most common approach to indicate shoe widths - the A, B, D, and E letters. Depending on the gender, here is what each letter means:

Men Width Women
- 4A Extra Narrow
Extra Narrow 2A Narrow
Narrow B Standard
Standard D Wide
Wide 2E Extra Wide
Extra Wide 4E Extra Wide
Extra Wide 6E -

New Balance is one of the few brands that provides detailed measurements for each width option. This is amazingly convenient and we applaud the company for that. Based on the charts below, the difference between New Balance shoe widths is 3-4 mm. 

The charts below provide foot width measurements in millimetres.

New Balance Men's Width Guide
US Men's Standard Size Narrow (B) Medium (D) Wide (2E) Extra Wide (4E)
6 93 97 101 104
6.5 95 98 102 105
7 96 99 103 106
7.5 97 100 104 107
8 98 101 105 108
8.5 99 102 106 109
9 100 104 107 110
9.5 101 105 108 111
10 102 106 109 113
10.5 103 107 110 114
11 104 108 111 115
11.5 105 109 113 116
12 106 110 114 117
12.5 107 111 115 118
13 108 112 116 119
13.5 109 113 117 120
14 110 114 118 121
14.5 111 115 119 122
15 113 116 120 123
15.5 114 117 121 124
16 115 118 122 125

Please note that in the men's width chart D stands for Medium but in the women's chart D is Wide.

New Balance Women's Width Guide
US Women's Standard Size Narrow (2A) Medium (B) Wide (D) Extra Wide (2E)
5 78 81 85 88
5.5 79 83 86 89
6 80 84 87 80
6.5 81 85 88 92
7 82 86 89 93
7.5 83 87 90 94
8 84 88 92 95
8.5 85 89 93 96
9 86 90 94 97
9.5 87 91 95 98
10 88 92 96 99
10.5 89 93 97 100
11 90 94 98 101
11.5 92 95 99 102
12 93 96 100 103
12.5 94 97 101 104
13 95 98 102 105

Don’t have a chance to measure your feet right now? Find a shoe from another brand that fits you perfectly and input its size into the tool below. Then you’ll find out what New Balance shoe size will fit you in a similar way.

New Balance men's size chart
New Balance women's size chart